Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Latest Football News and Opinions From 90 Minutes Online

Loving La Liga

In recent seasons, Spanish football has almost certainly assumed the mantel of European top dogs. This is nothing new as such – Real Madrid and Barcelona are hardly merely recent additions to the European trophies roll of honour – but the standard of football, as exemplified in the national team’s success, has been raised to a level that has left fans and commentators gushing and fast running out of superlatives.



The big two kicked off their season at the weekend, and it promises to be an exciting few months to come as these heavyweights slug it out in La Liga. Following a few years of relative dominance, Barca lost out last time to José Mourinho’s Galacticos by the narrowest of margins.


The contrast between the two clubs, of course, is particularly appealing – Real, the Establishment club close to the hearts (and wallets) of Madrid’s royal and political elite, against the Catalans, the self-anointed rebels and favourites of every misty-eyed football dreamer, who have made the game beautiful once more.


Just to add to the allure, both clubs possess a genuinely world class performer who could hold sway with any player down the years, and each is befitting of their image:


-Cristiano Ronaldo, unashamedly self-absorbed, a pouting brylcreem advert of a player adorned in the all-white ensemble of the most decorated European side of them all.

-In the blue and red Catalan corner, Lionel Messi, all sweet smiles and boyish charm and team hugs, not to mention possessor of outlandish skill and a goal tally that would make you weep tears of joy.


Speaking last week, Mourinho, determined as ever to avoid wasting time on false modesty, insisted that his ‘Special One’ moniker wasn’t accurate after all. No, on the basis of his having plundered league titles in four different countries – Portugal, England, Italy and now Spain – he should be referred to as ‘The only One.’


We’re unsure what Barca’s new manager, Tito Vilanova, made of this, but he’s set the bar high for this coming season by confirming he wants to win – wait for it – everything. Just everything, then. Nor much margin for error there, and you can imagine the bold José at hearing this, all tight smiles and steely-eyed determination.


This is exotic football, with the Bernabéu and Camp Nou regularly mired in outlandish sophistication, style and ceremony – and that’s just the fans! The sense of drama is palpable, and the players normally deliver a performance to match the theatre, all strutting elegance and artistry. It’s ballet on a pitch, and the Oscars themselves fail to do justice to the level of performance seen as the aristocrats entertain and show-boat in equal measure.


That two of the English Premiership’s star performers – Luka Modrić and Alex Song – appear destined for Spain any day now simply adds to the lustre.


As for the opening games themselves, Real were up first at the weekend, although they were rather sluggish for the most part. A subdued Ronaldo for once failed to inspire, and Valencia just about deserved their 1-1 draw in the end.


During the match, a sickening clash of heads between Real team-mates Pepe and Casillas shook the stadium to its core. We were told later on that Pepe’s injury had left him ‘unable to answer simple questions.’ (Insert your own punchline here, dear reader).


Later, Barca sought to capitalise on their great rivals’ slip, and they sprang out of the blocks at a ferocious pace, taking a 4-1 lead into half-time over Real Sociedad (for the record, goals from Puyol and Pedro sandwiched a brace from....? Yes- Messi). The second half was a Catalan canter, the highlight being the return of long-term injury absentee David Villa, who returned the acclaim of the adoring fans by netting Barca’s fifth goal.


As ever, the El Clasico clashes will inevitably prove crucial when it comes to deciding who will reign in Spain next May. Happily, we won’t have too long to wait on that score – this Thursday, in fact, as the sides square up in the Spanish Super Cup.


With Barca keen to regain the La Liga title, Mourinho presumably intent on adding further Champions League glory to his CV, and Ronaldo and Messi set to go to head to head in the battle to be crowned most coveted player on the planet, Spanish football looks set for yet another season of glitz, glamour and no shortage of drama. Ole!




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