Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Latest Football News and Opinions From 90 Minutes Online

England: An 'Objective' Review

Glass is half full

So, there you have it. England’s European Championships is over. Defeat at the quarter final stage via a penalty shoot out was probably a tad predictable once you think about it. When it comes to quarter final heartbreak we've all been there, done that, bought the t-shirt (about £50 in my case as it said ‘Parker’ on the back).



Paying the Penalty

Ashley Cole versus Buffon

Generally speaking, any assessment of the merits of the penalty shoot-out as a means of settling football matches will fall into two distinct categories – if your team has won the day, their superiority has rightly been confirmed. Lose, and it’s a lottery, akin to randomly selecting numbers from a hat.


The Goal That Can Do Self-Defence

Kickster Combo goal courtesy of QuickplayWith 90 Minutes Online being a public platform, our humble website does occasionally receive approaches from companies wanting to utilise us for commercial reasons. Yet in all honesty a lot of these tend to be concerning products that have little relevance to football, thus inducing a Bill Hicks style rant from yours truly.


No Luck for the Irish

A disappointed Richard Dunne

If truth be told, few of even the most optimistic of the Republic of Ireland's avid followers would have harboured particularly high hopes for the country’s prospects of success at this summer’s European championships.


Life after the Premier League

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At last, the European Championships are upon us. All teams have now played at least once, and we have seen a host of current Premier League stars. But for every one of these Prem players strutting their stuff in Poland and Ukraine, there’s plenty who didn’t quite make it in England’s top flight. If nothing else, the Euro’s are proof that there is indeed life after the Premier League.



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